In this episode, Rachel talks about two fantastic middle grade graphic novels, a parenting book that all people who are in contact with little boys should read, a healthy eating challenge, how she survived a writing crisis, and a fascinating series on the human brain.
In this episode, Rachel highlights some of her favorite poets, a book full of practices that help eliminate stress and worry, the challenge of parenting twins, how reading widely helps make her a better writer, and a very entertaining audio book series.
In this episode, Rachel looks at two middle grade novels that are completely different from each other, a self-editing book that’s helpful for writers, the importance of memories, word count goals and the movie Maleficent.
In this episode, Rachel talks about two humor books she recently read, some social media tactics for business owners, the importance of being still, a new book launch community she set up and the music she listens to while writing Fairendale.
In this episode, Rachel talks about Salman Rushdie’s newest book, an Annie Dillard memoir, the importance of making a plan for every day, her much-needed weekend without kids and how she brainstorms plot.