Messy Mondays

What Happens 5 Minutes After the Kids Get Home
This picture is called "This is What Happens Five Minutes After the Kids Get Home from the Grandparents." I don't even know how this happened. I just remember going out to the car to get the baby and their suitcases, and I walked back in to a paper/stuffed animal/book...

13 Ways A Parent Could Earn Extra Money (If Only)
I hope I didn't steer you too wrong with that title. We all want to make a little extra money, don't we? But there's that "if only" tacked onto it. Whatever could she mean by THAT? Well, every week, I look around my house and the disaster that it's become, and I...

10 Ways My Boys Make Me Fashionably “Green”
Many times, when I mention anywhere in the online world that I'm a mom of six boys, all the environmentalists come out to play, not realizing that I'm actually a closet environmentalist myself. Over the years, I have convinced Husband to trade antibiotics for...

That Frightening Time When Your Kid is Learning Autonomy
It’s a celebratory day when kids are able to buckle their own seat belts and pour their own glasses of milk and bathe themselves and cook their own food (wait, when does this happen again? I’M READY ANYTIME, KIDS). When they’re little, we spend so much of our days...

11 Confessions From the Diary of a Stressed-Out Mom
Kids are fun, aren't they? I could think of a whole lot of other words to describe them, too. So dang cute, wonderful, charming, hilarious, imaginative, delusional, maddening, nasty, beastly, so dang annoying. In the course of a day, there are a whole lot of things...

What Happens When a Kid Environmentalist is on Trash Duty
We have this fancy chalkboard hanging in our kitchen with “This Night” written in wannabe hand lettering, because I’m nothing more than a wannabe artist. Beneath those words, we have each of the boys’ names and their subsequent chores listed. Those chores change every...

What the Rare Independence Day Means for Parents
I’ve never really cared much about Independence Day—not because I’m not incredibly grateful to all the people who fought for my freedom—but because here, in Texas, Independence Day falls right smack dab in the middle of a time when the air outside boils up to a...