Messy Mondays
Let’s Play ‘I Spy’ in My Closet.
I spy... A pair of black pants An unpacked suitcase A letter to Mama A little dog's face. I just want to say, for the record, that this isn't my fault. You see, there was this time we had some friends coming over for dinner, and we were drowning in art that the kids...
The Kind of Thing that Can Make a Heart Feel Messy
This isn't your typical Messy Monday post. This isn't that mess under the bed or the one in his room or the nasty waiting to be emptied from the trash can. This is the kind that can wreck a heart into a mess. You see, there is a boy in our home who is 5 years old. He...
This is Where All the School Papers Go
This basket is designated for school papers. It takes less than a week to fill it. So many papers. Why are there so many school papers? Fliers about camps our kids probably won't attend, sign-it sheets that get lost in the shuffle and make me send an apology note to...
Don’t Trip On All the Junk Blocking the Stairs!
Step one: Decide you want to tidy up downstairs. Step two: Put everything that belongs downstairs in its place. Step three: Put everything that belongs upstairs on the side of the stairs. Step four: Leave everything that belongs upstairs on the side of the stairs for...
Christmas in February, Because We’re That Far Behind
Why, yes. We do still have a Christmas tree in our living room. Yes, we are that far behind. But remember this baby? This baby will be our excuse for a while, because he's so dang cute. We can't put him down. We can't stop kissing those kissy lips. I know, I know, he...
We have a good excuse this time, okay?
What can I say? Yes, our bedroom dresser is piled with diapers and burp cloths and trash and school papers. No, we haven't unpacked the bags we took to the hospital. No, our bed hasn't been made in several days. WE JUST HAD A BABY. A really cute one, too. See? So all...
Don’t Drink Coffee. Drink Coffee Mold.
So I was stepping into my closet yesterday (which is worth a Messy Monday post all on its own...it's quite treacherous right now), and I had to step over this. I did a double take, because my brain subconsciously screamed, "What is THAT?" Moldy coffee is what that is....