Messy Mondays

My Kids Are Trying to Kill Me
I guess there are some good things about a broken foot.

This is What Happens When You Leave a Pile of Crap on the Stairs
Remember that mess on the stairs? It can really trip you up.

Dear Boys: Go Ahead. Do It. Play Across Those Gender Lines.
The other day I walked outside to call my boys in for dinner, and this is what I found. Some men might find this something close to offensive. I am married to a man who does not worry about four of his six sons playing with Barbies and My Little Pony. We just smiled...

What It Takes to Be Beautiful
Yesterday I ran into the mom of an old friend from high school, and the whole time we were talking I was thinking, Oh, God, I don't have any makeup on. Last week I almost didn't come down to say hi to my husband's aunt and uncle, visiting from California, because I...

That One Pile of Junk We Pretend We Don’t See
Do you have this one place in your bedroom where you once put a stack of something you didn't know what to do with (papers that should probably be filed away, but it's just so much effort) and told yourself you'd clean it up another day and now it's been two years?...
How Do You Teach an 8-year-old to Keep His Room Clean?
"I can't find any socks that match," he said. "I also can't find my agenda or my folder." Well, is it any wonder? Just look at his room. What in the world happened here? you may ask. It's what we asked, too. There is no simple explanation. There is just "an 8-year-old...
Spring Break Happened to My House
Spring Break happened to my house. Here's where our house stands after four hours of cleaning. So if you're looking at the picture, thinking, "That's really not that bad," trust me. It was WAY worse. Also, since we're on the subject of messy, here's something I posted...