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What Every Parent of Twins Needs to Survive
I don’t know if I’ve ever faced a harder challenge in my parenting years than raising twins. Maybe it’s because our twins came near the end of the line of boys and they see all their older brothers do, and they expect that life will be exactly like that for them. Except there are two […]

7 Embarrassing Things You Can Blame On Your Kids
All of us have our shortcomings. That’s for sure. No one is perfect, after all. For all the shortcomings I notice about myself (and there are a lot, let me tell you), probably about 80 percent of them are true, because I’m a child of divorce and suffer from...

How to Parent: In 39 Confusing Steps
Parenting is simpler than ever in our day and age. So much advice exists that you can’t really go wrong, even if you tried. All you have to do is: 1. Make sure your kids can do their homework themselves, because they’ll need to be able to apply for a job someday. 2....

How I Know School Has Started Up in Here
How I most know that school has started: ten thousand papers all over my bed.

13 Ways A Parent Could Earn Extra Money (If Only)
I hope I didn't steer you too wrong with that title. We all want to make a little extra money, don't we? But there's that "if only" tacked onto it. Whatever could she mean by THAT? Well, every week, I look around my house and the disaster that it's become, and I...

School Shopping with Kids is Just as Hellish as it Sounds
Every year in Texas there’s this wonderful weekend where shoppers get to take advantage of tax-free shopping on school supplies and clothes. Hundreds of thousands of people head out in droves, hitting all the local stores and cleaning out school supplies and every...

10 Ways My Boys Make Me Fashionably “Green”
Many times, when I mention anywhere in the online world that I'm a mom of six boys, all the environmentalists come out to play, not realizing that I'm actually a closet environmentalist myself. Over the years, I have convinced Husband to trade antibiotics for...