Recent Articles
Christmas in February, Because We’re That Far Behind
Why, yes. We do still have a Christmas tree in our living room. Yes, we are that far behind. But remember this baby? This baby will be our excuse for a while, because he's so dang cute. We can't put him down. We can't stop kissing those kissy lips. I know, I know, he...
When You Reach THAT Point in Pregnancy
We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our sixth (and last) baby, another boy, and I have reached THAT point in pregnancy. There comes THAT point in every pregnancy, when the days feel like they’re 2,000 hours long because of the other littles demanding time and...
We have a good excuse this time, okay?
What can I say? Yes, our bedroom dresser is piled with diapers and burp cloths and trash and school papers. No, we haven't unpacked the bags we took to the hospital. No, our bed hasn't been made in several days. WE JUST HAD A BABY. A really cute one, too. See? So all...
Boyhood, Peter Pan and Frozen Moments
If I had a dime every time I heard someone say something like, “Time flies. Cherish these days.” I’d be a millionaire. Or how ‘bout, “Time flies. You’re going to blink, and she’s going to be graduating from high school.” Many of us have heard the empty nester at the...
Ready or Not, Time Marches On and Grows Children Up
This weekend I opened whole boxes of emotion. I sat in a living room, sorting through all the clothes my boys wore as babies, washing them and hanging them and breathing them, and I arranged all those tiny unnecessary shoes into rows so they would be ready for this...
That Frightening Time When Your Child is Learning autonomy
It’s a celebratory day when kids are able to buckle their own seat belts and pour their own glasses of milk and bathe themselves and cook their own food (wait, when does this happen again? I’M READY ANYTIME, KIDS). When they’re little, we spend so much of our days...
Don’t Drink Coffee. Drink Coffee Mold.
So I was stepping into my closet yesterday (which is worth a Messy Monday post all on its's quite treacherous right now), and I had to step over this. I did a double take, because my brain subconsciously screamed, "What is THAT?" Moldy coffee is what that is....