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11 He Saids That Will Make You Chuckle
Left kid: I’m going to write a story. It’s going to be about [talks for the next 10 minutes.] Right kid: I wish I could color your mouth shut. Right twin: I was gonna feed my sunflower seeds to the ducks, but Mama said no. I have to eat them. Left twin: Oooooh! You...

That Frightening Time When Your Kid is Learning Autonomy
It’s a celebratory day when kids are able to buckle their own seat belts and pour their own glasses of milk and bathe themselves and cook their own food (wait, when does this happen again? I’M READY ANYTIME, KIDS). When they’re little, we spend so much of our days...

6 Annoying Things Kids Will Never Understand
The other day I was trying to put my 3-year-old in the car, and we were in a hurry, because I wanted to get to the grocery store and back before it was time for their lunch, since you definitely DO NOT want to be caught out in public when two headstrong 3-year-olds...

11 Confessions From the Diary of a Stressed-Out Mom
Kids are fun, aren't they? I could think of a whole lot of other words to describe them, too. So dang cute, wonderful, charming, hilarious, imaginative, delusional, maddening, nasty, beastly, so dang annoying. In the course of a day, there are a whole lot of things...

How to Know You’re on the Right Track as a Parent
There’s this school of thought that really bothers me. It shakes fingers at us and says that if we think parenting is hard or we feel like giving up on a daily or hourly or minute-by-minute basis or we, God forbid, wish our kids would be different, less difficult people for a fleeting moment in […]

Do I Ever Feel Like Giving Up? Every Other Minute.
A few weeks ago I got a text from my sister, who had her third baby in February. The text said, “Tell me you have days when you just can’t handle it. When walking out of the house is all you can do to survive. I just need to hear it from another human.” I […]

What Happens When a Kid Environmentalist is on Trash Duty
We have this fancy chalkboard hanging in our kitchen with “This Night” written in wannabe hand lettering, because I’m nothing more than a wannabe artist. Beneath those words, we have each of the boys’ names and their subsequent chores listed. Those chores change every...