Recent Articles

How to Put On Shoes and Other Helpful Advice From Kids
We can learn a lot from kids. But sometimes their teaching is hit or miss. Like in the example below, which are all lessons I've learned from my kids. How to put on your shoes: 1. Try for 10 seconds. 2. Cry. 3. Throw the shoe. 4. Ask your mom. Lesson learned from: a...

What the Rare Independence Day Means for Parents
I’ve never really cared much about Independence Day—not because I’m not incredibly grateful to all the people who fought for my freedom—but because here, in Texas, Independence Day falls right smack dab in the middle of a time when the air outside boils up to a...

What It’s Like Watching a Movie With Kids Who Have Seen It
Every now and then Husband and I will treat our boys with a Family Movie Night. Usually this happens on a Friday, because boys don’t have to get up for school the next morning, and we can all take our time getting to bed once the movie’s done. Sometimes Husband and I...

Cinder-Mama is a Real Person. She is Me.
You know that scene in Cinderella where she’s in the kitchen trying to get things ready for the day, and on the wall there’s this collection of bells ringing incessantly, signaling that people who are depending on her (mostly because they’re lazy) need things? Every...

Hey, Kids: A Mom Always Knows. Just Don’t Do It.
The other afternoon I was sitting in our library reading a book, because it has a direct line to my 3-year-old twins’ room, and they’re not traditionally great nappers. I guess they didn’t know I was watching, because one of them was hanging from his top bunk like a...

13 Photos That Sum Up What Kids Do to Summer
It's summertime! My favorite part of year, because I get to have everyone at home all the hours of all the days, fighting over who gets the one red LEGO pieces out of the 14 billions that exist in our house. I love my boys fiercely. But man are they hard on a house...

Hey Kids: Just Because It’s Summer Doesn’t Mean You Can Do Whatever You Want
It’s the fourteenth time he’s come to our room tonight, and we still have to get up at 5 in the morning to get anything done, so his daddy leads him out and says, “It’s time for you to go to bed, for the last time.” “But I don’t have school,” he says, as if we didn’t...