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9 Memes That Sum Up Life With Boys
What I want to tell my boys every time they fight. Which is every other second, now that school's out. He was lucky. He only ended up with half his face burned off. I know. So disappointing. One of them ended up with a dented face, but at least now I can tell the...

It’s the End of the (School) Year As We Know It
I was done with school long before the year ended. The early-morning schedule gets old by week #2, because boys like to sleep until at least 8 (unless it's the weekend, and then they're up at 5:30), and school starts at 7:45 a.m., and that tardy bell rings strong and...

What Happens When Kids Are Detoxing From the Grandparents
It’s their first day back from the grandparents’ after a week of running wild outside in the country and swimming in a pool and watching movies for Quiet Time, and my boys have forgotten how to act. We are incredibly blessed that my mom and stepdad took the older...

Why Do I Have to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom?
“Oh. You must be a stay-at-home mom.” There we sat, in a doctor’s office for an annual exam, the nurse tapping in all my background information. We’d just established the six kids piece when she said it. “No,” I said. “Actually, I work full time.” It came out almost...

An Open Letter to My Laundry: We’re Finished, But Not Really. Ever.
Dear Laundry, I know, I know. You think I haven’t noticed how you’ve been waiting seven whole days in that smelly basket, spilling over onto the floor so little boys trample you on their way to bedrooms, how you’re crumpled up in bathrooms and twisted across couches...

Warning Labels that Should Come With Kids
You know what would make my life so much easier? If my kids woke up with a warning label plastered to their back, or, better yet, their face (I've been known to miss some things when I'm looking--but a warning label on their forehead? I don't think I'd miss that.)....

Should Kids Be Allowed in All Restaurants? Yes.
I’m no stranger to the kids-in-restaurants debate. It’s been going on for a while, and I always like to keep tabs on it, because I feel pretty strongly about my own point of view. I’ve stayed silent mostly, because I didn’t really want to rock any boats. I’m not a...