Recent Articles

What It Means to Be a Mom of Boys
I never thought I’d be a mom of all boys. When I first started my parenting journey, I thought for sure that I would have one or two girls in the mix, because everyone I know does. But then we had boy after boy after boy, and I realized, soon enough, that I was not...

A Day in the Life of a Mom
Wake up, wake up, it’s time to start the day, come down to breakfast, don’t play around now, put that book down, get downstairs, make sure you get your socks, put your shoes on, you should tie your laces so you don’t trip over them, where are your shoes? I have no...

You Don’t Know What Hoarding Is Until You’ve Lived With Kids
I’m not a hoarder. Not even close. In fact, I’m probably the opposite of a hoarder. I periodically like to go through a room and take all of the unnecessary things out of it and just throw them away. But my kids? Well, they’re a different story altogether. They hoard...

Kids Are Really Great Preservationists
You may not have known it, but this week is National Preservation Week. It’s not a very well known holiday, but parents actually celebrate it all the time. That’s because kids are great at preservation. I’m not talking about the kind of preservation that looks like...

This is Every Family Dinner You’ve Probably Had With Kids
Family dinners are a big deal in our house. We eat dinner together every evening and are usually interrupted once or twice by the neighborhood children, who apparently never eat. Ever. But all that aside, we have a grand time sitting around our dinner table and...

What I’d Say to My Kids If I Could
I’m a good parent. That means that when my kids are being completely unreasonable and losing their minds about how their soccer socks weren’t washed the last time I did laundry and they don’t have any blue socks left and blue is their favorite color and they CANNOT go...

Conversations on Bugs, Truth and Cracks
Me: What's something cool that happened at school today? 5-year-old: I found three ladybugs on the playground today. Me: You did? 5-year-old: Yeah. I put them in my lunch box. 4-year-old: I found a ladybug. Me: Well, please don't bring bugs in the car. 4-year-old:...