Here is what I’m working on RIGHT NOW:


I’m hanging out with my boys in San Antonio, TX, trying to live our year of fun with as much glee as we can possibly squeeze into it. I spend all my time doing these things (in order of time spent):

  • Cleaning up. I hate cleaning up. But I also love a tidy house. So. This is where I feel like I spend most of my time.
  • Not signing school papers for the boys. I haven’t signed one in three months. It’s awful.
  • Answering a billion “why” questions from my 3-year-old twins.
  • Gearing up to release the first season of Fairendale.
  • Promoting Family on Purpose episode releases.
  • Writing The Midnight Hour (adult thriller) final
  • Writing My Brother Oliver (middle grade literary) final
  • Working toward my 2016 word goal.
  • Reading.

How you can keep in touch:

These are my priorities for this season in time. I am not available for speaking engagements that require extensive travel, because I have very young boys who need their mama at home. But I do try to answer all emails, so if you ever have a question or a request, feel free to email me.