On my shelf this week:
Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church, by Rachel Held Evans
Peaceful Parents, Happy Siblings: How to Stop Fighting and Raise Friends for Life, by Dr. Laura Markham
Go Set a Watchman, by Harper Lee
This week I’ve got all brand new books on my shelf: the newest from Evans (which is VERY good), the latest parenting book from Markham (which is also VERY good) and the controversial novel from Lee (controversial because some say it shouldn’t have been published, others say it was okay).
Best quotes so far:
“We all long for someone to tell us who we are. The great struggle of the Christian life is to take God’s name for us, to believe we are beloved and to believe that is enough.”
Rachel Held Evans
“We millennials have been advertised to our entire lives, so we can smell b.s. from a mile away. The church is the last place we want to be sold another product, the last place we want to be entertained.”
Rachel Held Evans
“When parents have a better relationship with their children, those children have happier relationships with each other. When parents have more negative and punitive relationships with each child, the children behave more aggressively and selfishly with each other.
Dr. Laura Markham
“Children learn what they live.”
Dr. Laura Markham
“The way you discipline your child becomes her model for working out inter-personal problems.”
Dr. Laura Markham
“Children need love the most when they deserve it the least.”
Dr. Laura Markham
“A man can condemn his enemies, but it’s wiser to know them.”
Harper Lee
“Don’t you study about other folks’s business till you take care of your own.”
Harper Lee
Read any of these? Tell us what you thought.