What about the silences?

It was an odd question,
what about the silences,
and I wasn’t entirely sure
how to answer.

The silences are long.
The silences are still.
The silences are…

Yes, but are they
comfortable? she said,
and this time I understood—
because I’d been in
uncomfortable silences before,
and they were awkward, uneasy,
frightening at times.

No, I said,
the silences are
lovely pockets of time
when I can hear myself think
and he can hear himself not think
and we are separate yet connected.

Then you know, she said.
Silences tell you
everything about
a relationship.
So measure them

This is an excerpt from Textbook of an Ordinary Life: poems. For more of Rachel’s poems, visit her Reader Library page, where you can get a few volumes for free.

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