Mr. Thesaurus
In the park, the boys were playing. Hosea (4) fell off something he was climbing on.
Hosea: “I hurt my butt.”
Mama: “We don’t say that word. What do we say instead?”
Hosea: “I hurt my buttocks.”
The correct answer was booty. But what could we say?
The truth about Texas
Asa: “Our state tree is a pecan tree. And our state flower is a mockingbird.”
Jadon: “No, that’s the state bird.”
Asa: “Oooohhhhh, yeah.”
Hosea: “There’s a bunch of state bugs in Texas.”
Allergic is cool
Asa: “I can’t have milk. Remember? My elbows?”
Mama: “Well, we don’t know for sure that milk is what’s making your elbows like that. So we don’t know for sure if you’re allergic.”
Asa: Well, then I’m not allergic to anything! I have to be allergic to something!”
He was really genuinely upset about this.
But is a bad word
Mama: “Hosea, do you want to pick the books for story time?”
Hosea: “No. You go get the books this time.”
Mama: “OK. I will. But first I have to finish making your sandwich.”
Hosea: “Awwmmm. You said ‘butt’!”
Things you never want to know as a parent
At the dinner table
Asa: “One time I wiped my booty with my hand, and then I tasted it, but it didn’t taste very good. So I washed my hands.”
Mama: “That’s really, really gross.”
Asa: “Yeah. It was in your bathroom.”