Recent Articles

On being a starving artist

I don’t remember where it happened, exactly. It was years ago, but it chased me for too, too long. Someone, somewhere, told me that to be an artist, to chase the writing dream that flapped in my heart, I would end up poor and penniless. It’s not unusual to meet the...

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On rest in the life of a creative

I just had a baby. The birth of our newest boy, Asher Ruben, coincided with the rest week I carved out for my creative world back at the beginning of the year, so for the week he was born, I stared into the eyes of a newborn instead of the lines of a to-do list. It...

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What making-money pressure does to creativity

The husband and I recently had a discussion that bordered an argument about money and time and taking care of our family. I have known for a while about my job ending, but I’ve been dragging my heels in looking for something to replace my income, not just because I am...

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Write a GREAT Book Even When Your Time is Limited