Recent Articles

Rest is a necessary part of the creative process

“I wish I didn’t have so much to write this week,” I said. It was exhaustion speaking, since I haven’t slept in days because of pregnancy-related discomfort. And it’s Christmas, so it’s a short week and I still have gifts to finish and wrap, and all of that hangs over...

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The biggest killer of creativity: comparison

Creatives, we can play a risky game. We fall into the trap of comparison, our work compared to theirs, and we don’t even know their story, how hard that writing was, what that painting looked like when they started, how she had to practice the same move over and over...

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Reading is the cornerstone of creativity

I was a just a young girl when I first discovered the wonder of reading. “These words were, to me, as the notes of bells, the sounds of musical instruments, the noise of wind, sea and rain, the rattle of milk carts, the clopping of hooves on cobbles, the fingering of...

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Write a GREAT Book Even When Your Time is Limited