Practicing gratitude can transform our attitudes and lives
Nearly every weekday morning, I log onto zoom, where I meet with a group of authors to first write and then discuss our writing time or whatever’s going on in our lives. Recently, we’ve begun adding a time of naming our gratitude, before diving into talks about...

We can’t fix a problem we don’t first acknowledge
“Do you think it’s becoming a problem again?” he said. No. But yes. Maybe. Probably. No. Thus began my husband’s gentle reminder not to fall into my self-destructive patterns. We celebrate twenty years of marriage this month. He’s known me more than half...

Knowing nothing for certain is a…gift?
I have always loved learning. When I was four, my family lived right across the street from the red-roofed elementary school where I watched my brother get swallowed by the white doors every morning. I couldn’t understand why he got to go to kindergarten and I didn’t....

The most difficult struggle is the one inside us
We’ve reached that time of the summer where my kids are at each other’s throats, everyone is growing tired of the family togetherness, and the oppressive heat of Texas is wearing our patience thin. And my emotional wellbeing begins to slip. I call this time the...

The trick to long-lasting success: Go slow to go fast
Schwipp schwipp schwipp schwipp schwipp bang! That seems to be all I hear in the early mornings anymore. Either that or talk about solving times, brands of cubes, or Max Park’s new 3x3x3 record of 3.13 seconds. I have a son who is currently obsessed with Rubik’s...

The hope we find in humor
On my journey to becoming a novelist, I spent a large chunk of time writing humor essays on parenting for online publications like Huff Post, Yahoo Parenting, and Babble. I loved writing those essays and continued doing so even after Babble disappeared, Yahoo...

How to be your magnificent self
Be your magnificent self. That’s the tagline I chose for my newest middle grade book, The First Magnificent Summer, which releases this month. Be your magnificent self. It’s a great message, isn’t it? Especially for kids. I hope every kid in the universe knows...

Think you have to be a loud leader? Think again
When I was a kid, I enjoyed being a leader. What that meant at the time was that teachers looked to me to be an example for other students. Friends came to me for advice, because they (mistakenly) believed I had some inner wisdom they didn’t have (I had strong...

Don’t put off living until you’re ready
There comes this moment, before every big event in my life, where I have wondered, Am I ready for this? Is this the right thing? It’s not a gentle wondering, either. It’s a loud, hot, cold, hot, cold, numb, hot hot hot kind of wondering. A spiral of wondering that...

What are you putting out into the world?
The idea of karma is an ancient idea. Even when I was a kid, I was familiar with the saying, “What goes around comes around.” The saying served two purposes back then: first, to get me to think about what I was doing that might come back around to haunt me (which was...