What Writers Give to Their Work

What Writers Give to Their Work

I was walking my sons to school the other day when the woman crossing them said, “I looked up your book yesterday.” I never know what to say in situations like these, so I just said, “Oh, yeah?” She said, “Yeah.” She didn’t say anything else about my book (I can’t say...

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On Growing Up: a Short Essay

On Growing Up: a Short Essay

I could feel it coming: the nervous anticipation of the first day of school. When I was a kid, I threw my nervous energy into choosing my first-day-of-school outfit (which got progressively more complicated as I grew older and cared more about first impressions). I...

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On Success: an Essay

On Success: an Essay

We’re sitting around the table, talking about our days like we always do, when my husband says, “We got some negative podcast feedback today.” “Oh, yeah?” I say. He tells me about this product manager with Facebook, who wrote in to say that as much as he wants to...

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