On Raising Twins: an Essay

On Raising Twins: an Essay

I walk into his bedroom, checking on him for the seventh time, interrupting my writing to do it, which means I’m already annoyed. Put out. A touch angry. Maybe I waited too long to come in here, but there he is, sitting in the middle of a pile of clothes and their...

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We Count it All Joy: an Essay

We Count it All Joy: an Essay

Just a few days ago, I got a precious letter from a reader, thanking me for one of my essays. She found it because she was looking, because she’d just lost two babies, twins, and she needed some comfort. I have written many versions of this story, about the daughter...

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On Birthdays: an Essay

On Birthdays: an Essay

Time has been holding my hand these last few weeks. Not in the way of an intimate friend, but in the way of an impatient parent trying to drag a slow-to-get-ready-child out the door so they won’t be late. It’s not the last stage of pregnancy that makes me feel so...

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